We have selected the following for our gift registry:
You can use this registry to contribute towards making our honeymoon that much more memorable and enjoyable!
Away We Go!
Contribution to our airfare
$50.00 ea.
Quantity to purchase:
Breakfast at a Local Bistro
Something to start the day with at a cozy old-world cafe and bistro
$30.00 ea.
Quantity to purchase:
Hiking Tour
Time to set out on foot and take in the beautiful surroundings first-hand on a guided hiking tour
$20.00 ea.
Quantity to purchase:
Romantic Dinner at Sunset
Contribution toward an unforgettable evening
$100.00 ea.
Quantity to purchase:
Car Rental
A day's car rental to take our private excursions
$75.00 ea.
Quantity to purchase:
Sightseeing Tour
Private tour of the local history and hot spots
$65.00 ea.
Quantity to purchase:
Crate and Barrel

Open Website

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Most of the kitchen items we're looking for are here at Crate and Barrel.


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Turkey Rotisserie

Open Website

Steve's been wanting one of these for a long time! We've seen it on Amazon.com for a discount.
Sale Price: $79.99

Bread Maker

Open Website

JCPenney has this for $99.99

Old School Record Player

Open Website

So Christie can finally play all her old LPs!